Wednesday, 5 October 2011

On Saturday 1st October the Yorkshire deputy RO for the BNP put up 2 phone numbers on his facebook page, one he had been getting abusive texts from but had no idea who it could be as they would not answer when he rang. He put the number up with info that the number belonged to the organiser of the UAF in Liverpool. Said number then recieved several nasty calls. Owner of the number then walked right into the trap by ringing BNP manager and complaining about number being put up.
Who owned the number? none other than Paula Wood.
Why was she sending abusive texts to the deputy RO?

This is where it gets interesting.
Paula Wood the married ugly twat from Blackpool had arranged to meet this single young man in a hotel for some extra marital rumpy pumpy.
RO though came to his senses and thought why would I meet a fat middle aged old crow when i'm young enough to get a nice girl, so Wood was left crying into her flab in the hotel room.
A woman scorned.
So she started a hate campaign.
Using the British Democracy Forum and a hate filled blog she set out to destroy the dep RO but she failed, using screenshots and lies she turned friend against friend, she convinced people she was the one being wronged.
It worked on the weak minded and the young chaps she likes to flirt with on facebook but real Nationalist saw through her.
She has been suspended from the BNP over her obsession.

She has now turned her attention to the NWI and the EDLso beware of a fat bag spouting lies and hate and trying to mingle with you.

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